Your safe sanctuary in the Sussex Downs - How The Grain Store Lewes is preparing to open for staycations

Warm greetings from The Grain Store Lewes - here you will find an update on everything we are doing to prepare for the return of guests this summer following the Covid-19 lockdown.

Like most people, our way of life has changed drastically over the past few months. Yet despite this adversity, we are feeling ever positive.

We have been busy preparing to welcome guests back, from maintaining the beautiful garden and buildings to updating our unique Visitor Guide and immersing ourselves in all the latest hygiene guidance.

We want to make sure our guests not only have a relaxing stay but have complete peace of mind that we are making it safe for everyone - a haven you can rely on for your staycation in 2020.


One of the steps we’ve taken is to sign up to Sawdays Clean and Safe Charter, which has aided us in implementing new health and safety measures for when lockdown is lifted and we are able to open our doors.

What else are we doing to ensure your stay at The Grain Store Lewes is safe?

1. We’re following Government cleaning advice to the letter

Before we even start cleaning, we make sure we and the tools we use are clean.

Our cloths and mops are washed at high temperatures (60 degrees is ideal), and all our cleaning products are antibacterial (but not forgetting eco-friendly).

We have increased our allotted cleaning time and expanded our checklist to allow for this deep cleanse.

All surfaces are to be cleaned twice, first using hot water and detergent, and then using disinfecting agents.

Tip: for the most effective results, leave the surface wet for three minutes before rinsing and wiping dry.

Things that are often touched get an extra clean – for example handles, doors, hangers, loo seats and flushes, toasters, kettles, light switches, remote controls, taps, waste and recycling bins.

All crockery and cutlery are put through our dishwasher to ensure a thorough clean.

2. We’ve enabled self check-in, but we remain just a call away

Although we usually welcome you into The Grain Store in person, at the moment we have decided self-check-in is the best option.

You will receive detailed instructions about finding us, letting yourself in, and getting comfortable.

However, if you struggle to find things or have any questions, we are only a phone call away.

3. A place for isolation and social distancing

One of the benefits of staying with us means The Grain Store is exclusively yours for the duration of your holiday.

This allows for complete social distancing, especially with the South Downs Way on your doorstep, so you don’t need to travel to explore!

4. Everything you need to practice good hygiene throughout your stay

We provide cleaning products, including antibacterial surface cleaner, hand soap and kitchen roll.

We have a high power dishwasher which can be used to clean crockery and cutlery after every wash.

Where possible, we are asking guests to remove linen themselves after their stay and put it in the bath.

To reduce risk, we have removed hard copies of our Handbook and Visitor Guide. These will be sent to you via PDF for you to have on your phone instead.

We are confident The Grain Store Lewes will be open again soon and that we can provide the safe, clean and restorative space our guests are seeking. We wish everyone well and hope to see you soon.



Your South Downs staycation awaits

Book your summer staycation now.

Contact our team:

+44 (0)1273 713 339


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